

My name is ina

๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ Product & UX Designer ๐Ÿ“ Berlin

๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ Product & UX Designer
๐Ÿ“ Berlin

Case study #1

4-in-1: a new Nordic Web Platform

4-in-1: a new Nordic
Web Platform

Why: Before the beginning of the projects, each Nordic country that we were operating in (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland) had their web platform, with their systems, all needing to be maintained and developed individually. They were all in addition built on a century-old system, almost falling apart, requiring a lot of manual work as well as not being responsive at all. The goal of the project was to digitalize this web platform - turning 4 platforms into a single platform working in all countries, with the goal of reducing the maintenance needed, and making it easier and more attractive to new customers

What: Since there were 4 different countries involved, each with slightly different, regional needs, a large amount of research was conducted, mapping out known user needs, business needs as well as technical challenges, further creating a proof of concept that also included a new branding aiming to gather all countries under one umbrella.

My responsibility was overseeing the user experience of the project, being the voice of the users advocating for the design involvement. and that we worked with ideas and features that validated data and users' needs. Since this was a large-scale project, involving multiple teams in multiple countries, not only did I conduct user research, craft prototypes, validate and iterate to further improve the platform - One of my primary responsibilities was also leading and coordinating with other, UX designers, graphic designers, and content creators to strategically prioritize focus areas for one common goal.

Furthermore, since UX design was quite a new position in this company, I also played a role in advocating for UX principles across the whole company advocating for the importance and benefits of utilizing these competencies.

Furthermore, after we launched, additional features was built such as an better customer care portal, SEO-pages, landing pages, product selectors, all carefully being tested either thought quantitative tracking, A/B testing or through in-depth with real users.

Outcome and results: After launch, we quickly saw a reduced time spent for new customers to become a customer. Although quite a lot of maintenance was needed in the initial period of launching the new web platform, we saw after a while that the total amount of effort needed to operate the web platform was drastically decreased. From being 4 separate teams, we were now one being in charge of development, maintenance, content creation etc. 

Early ideation workshops

Mockup concepts

Case study #2

Building tools for Live Operations

Why: The Live Operations of the company uses using customised and internally built tools to operate our mobile games. Due to the complexity of the infrastructure of our games are build, there was no out-of-the to suit our needs - hence why we decided to build our own. Our goal was to build fast, effective, secure and easy-to-understand tools for our internal users so that they can set up the game with as little effort as possible.

What: My responsibility together with my team was to make sure our users could manage the games efficiently and securely to further create great player experiences for the players.

To understand our users, several iterations of user research were conducted, both in the forms of interviews, observation, and user shadowing, to get a better understanding of how the users work and their workflow - addressing their pain points with current workflow and wishes for a better workflow. Further, various personas were created, journey maps and potential, viable solutions were crafted together with the teams, making sure that the users also were frequently involved to give their feedback on the progress of the prototype. 

Outcome and results: Solutions were based on creating effective, easy to understand forms, streamlining and tying systems together and removing hurdles in their workflow in order for them to save time (one example being automatically importing data from one system to another, instead of the user having to copy paste 100+ IDs between two systems). Feature examples being building a completely new segmentation and A/B testing tool, improving the general UI design on all forms for efficiency and creating a template based tools 

This resulted in a huge decrease in time our user need to spend in the tools in order to do their tasks, which means they have more time to do other tasks as well as being less frustrated and more satisfied with the constantly improved tools. Due to a better validation system, there is less human errors, and the chance of a error in-game has been significantly reduced.

Case study #3


Why: The prior travel solution were outdated and โ€œlooked like something from the early 2000sโ€ - user from user interview. The combination of self-developed solutions and integrated whitelabels both looked and behaved very different and did not talk to each other at all. It was also not responsive and barely worked on mobile and tablet screens. The goals was to redesign and rebuild most of the travel platformโ€™s subdomains including flight search, various types of accommodation rental, car rental and package deals tying it all better together in order to create a better user experience and booking experience to further increase revenue.

What: Tasks included were SEO optimisation , AB testing, I led the user experience strategy for our comprehensive travel platform, encompassing flight, hotel, rental car, vacation home, and package deal searches, ensuring seamless navigation across all services. This role involved continual and frequent A/B testing.

New Map Search: I recognized the need for an improved accommodation search experience,and spearheaded the design and full integration of a user-friendly map into the platform. This initiative resulted in heightened conversion rates and enhanced user satisfaction.

Booking platform for vacation homes, flights, and package deals: I led the redesign of the vacation home rental booking process, from identifying user needs and pain points to crafting personas, user journey maps, and information architecture. Conducted workshops, prototyped various solutions (including wireframes and implementations), and conducted testing to refine the user experience.

A real UI upgrade: For flight search, package deals, front pages to both look more modern, but also reposonsive and accessibly (universal design).

Outcome and results: This initiative resulted in heightened conversion rates and enhanced user satisfaction based on qualitative user tests after bigger releases.

better photos are coming

Other projects


smaller, but still noteworthy projects

Player Insights for mobile gaming ๐ŸŽฎ

I conducted comprehensive player research to analyze player behaviour, creating detailed player journey maps and flows to address pain points. Developed prototypes to enhance player experience, driving revenue growth and reducing churn.

A new admin tool ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

I led a team of 3-4 designers in guaranteeing top-tier user experience for a new administrative tool tailored for professionals using our product. Responsibilities included steering collaborative efforts through regular meetings across multiple teams to ensure alignment towards common UX objectives. Contributed to user insights, crafted user journey maps and flowcharts, and facilitated workshops and user testing sessions as required.

SEO optimization ๐Ÿ”Ž

I initiated a project to boost domain traffic, collaborating closely with conversion rate experts and engineers to optimise web pages while preserving optimal user experience. Ensured all domain elements were meticulously crafted and designed for maximum effectiveness.

design libraries ๐Ÿ“š

I established, customized, and expanded multiple design libraries tailored to different teams' requirements and developed custom UI components, iconography, typography, and layouts, while optimizing existing components for improved flexibility.

Event producer ๐ŸŽ‰

I managed the production of various events - both as part of my work as well as on my spare time. Oversaw all aspects of event planning, communication, promotion, facilitation, and hosting, as well as ensuring for engagement, reach and growth on social media accounts (Intagram, Facebook). Some examples are UX conferences (Finnspo, Finn-to-details), meetups and workshops (beginners DJ-workshops, opens decks, workout groups).

visual design ๐ŸŽจ

Coming soon :)

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or reach me at

iv.vangen [at] gmail.com